Thursday, January 21, 2010

Zombie Painting

In my quest of experimenting with acrylics, I made a painting of a zombie today. Yes, I broked the mold of my pixel paintings, I just felt like doing something different! And here's the little guy:

The photos are a little blurry, and I apologize. If any of you guys would like to have it, it's for sale! Just drop me a comment or an e-mail and give this poor zombie a nice home (and a nice set of brains for him to munch on).


Ska said...

Tens noção o quanto eu quero ter uma pintura dessas tua em minha casa, nao sabes?

Osc@r Orozco said...

hey cools!, yeah its been a while, but my art schedule is looking good now. and looks like yours has been great!

I've worked on canvas before and i know photos don't do paintings justice. This must look amazing up close and with the blood dripping out the mouth and all the vibrant colors . woo go cools!
you should totally do more paintings like this, your style really pops on canvas, im sure i wont be the last to say.

"Man behind the Curtain" Drew said...

Nice painting, Carla! You can't go wrong with zombies. XD

Unknown said...

wow, thank you sir Anonymous from the comment above for making me rich!!

nãaa, not really, you'r actually an idiot..


adorei esta pintura sabes? fazes realçar toda a beleza destes comedores d mioleira como ninguem!!! :D <3

Fil said...

Ficou muio fixe, mesmo no teu estilo.
Que tamanho tem?