Thursday, September 22, 2005

Preguiça e pouco mais

Oh, what a strange mood I've been in. Tenho andado com uma preguiça incomensurável que já não sentia há muito tempo. Começaram as aulas e tal, e muito poderia ser escrito sobre isso, mas como me sinto tão preguiçosa, não vou escrever coisa nenhuma. Para além da preguiça, também tenho andado com uma falta de eloquência um bocado aflitiva no que diz respeito à escrita. Ando por aí cheia de meias ideias e pensamentos a ocuparem o meu já de si limitado cérebro, e quando preciso de escrever para os tirar de lá, não consigo. Nem um mísero resumo de como tem andado a vida por estes lados nakamurescos consigo fazer. Sim, porque ao contrário do que eu possa dar a entender, a minha vida não é só ver filmes :P De facto, acontecem-me sempre coisas fascinantes, como ser espancada por velhinhos em autocarros, mas isso já pertence ao passado. Como me aborrece ter tanto para dizer e não conseguir! >_<

Relient K
"College Kids"

Someone please save us, us college kids!
What my parents told me is what i did;
They said "go to school and be a college kid"
But in the end, I questioned why i did.

I'm poor, I'm starving, I'm flat broke, I've got no cash to spend;
Sell all my books for front row tickets to Dave Matthews Band.
My girlfriends at another school, I know this year will test her.
I called, found out she had 3 other boyfriends last semester...

And thats why I say:
Oh no, not for me, not for me!
Call it torture, call it university!
No, arts and crafts is all I need;
I'll take caligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

80 grand later, I found out that all i had learned
Is that you should show up to take your finals and your midterms.
The party scene is kinda mean, i think its sick and twisted;
The navy showed up at my dorm and claimed that i enlisted!

And thats why I say:
Oh no, not for me, not for me!
Call it torture, call it university!
No, arts and crafts is all I need;
I'll take caligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

Dont get excited, she'll say "no" without a doubt, you see;
And I've decided college girls just wont go out with me.
They make me nervous and they always catch me off my guard,
Like cell phone service, I drop out cause college is too hard...

Its time to call my father
Cause its his alma mater;
Good grades aren't what they seem,
I think he knows the dean.
Its time to call my father
Cause its his alma mater
He said he's proud of me
But college always was his dream
And i would always say it's not for me!!

And that's why I say:
Oh no, not for me, not for me!
Call it torture, call it university!
No, arts and crafts is all I need;
I'll take caligraphy and then I'll make a fake degree.

Phi, beta, delta, kappa
Do what will make you happy,
Do what you feel is right.
Only but one thing matters:
Learn how to live your life.

1 comment:

Coutinho77 said...

A preguiça calha a todos e infelizmente acho que o fim do mês de setembro carrega uma carga negativa que a atrai até nós.
Bons filmes.